Tomáš Akvinský
Studia Neoaristotelica

ROČNÍK 5 (2008)ČÍSLO 1

David Svoboda

Transcendentalia et praedicamenta secundum Thomam Aquinatem

Dissertatio haec doctrinam Thomae Aquinatis de transcendentalibus et praedicamentis pertractat. Initium expositionis suae auctor a discussione huius materiae, quae in s. Thomae De veritate q. 1, a. 1. invenitur, capit. Hoc loco Thomas determinat, doctrinis Aristotelis Avicennaeque innitens, quae sint primae conceptiones intellectus. Conceptio simpliciter prima, in qua resolutio omnium conceptuum terminatur, est notio entis; omnes aliae conceptiones, et transcendentes et praedicamentales, accipiuntur ex additione quadam conceptuali ad ens. Auctor s. Thomae doctrinam de additione conceptuali ad ens diligenter explanat et consequenter ex ea illustrat, quomodo Thomas singula transcendentalia et praedicamenta explicat. Ultimo denique auctor ostendit, quomodo Thomas conceptus transcendentales et praedicamentales deducit tamquam generales et speciales modos essendi entis ut sic.

Transcendentals and Categories in Aquinas

The paper deals with the conception of transcendental and categorial concepts in the work of Thomas Aquinas. As a starting point of the exposition the discussion of this matter in De veritate 1, 1 has been chosen, where Aquinas, drawing on Aristotle and Avicenna, determines which are the first concepts of intellect. The absolutly first concept, the terminus of conceptual analysis, is the concept of being (ens). All other concepts, both categorial and transcendental, result from conceptual addition to being. Aquinas’s conception of conceptual addition is explained in detail and used to illustrate Aquinas’s explication of individual transcendentals and categories. Finally it is shown, how Aquinas derives transcendental and categorial concepts as general and special modes of being (modi essendi) of being as such.

Jan Duns Scotus