Tomáš Akvinský
Studia Neoaristotelica

ROČNÍK 3 (2006)ČÍSLO 1

Petr Dvořák

Doctrina aliquorum ex Thomistis de analogia

In hac dissertatione, quid Thomistae praecipui, qui saec. 15.–17. florebant (Thomas de Vio – Caietanus, Silvester Ferrariensis, Joannes Versor, Joannes a S. Thoma), ad Scoti contra analogiam obiectiones responderint et quomodo Doctoris sui doctrinam defenderint, exponitur. Auctor primo medullam doctrinae “semanticae” de analogia proponit, deinde modum, quo Caietanus et ceteri optimae notae Thomistae ex nonullis ab Aquinate de hac re obiter dictis doctrinam bene ordinatam aedificaverunt, declarat.

Some Thomists on Analogy

The article is a presentation of the Thomist response to Scotist criticism of analogy; namely, the defense of St. Thomas’ teaching in some leading renaissance and post-renaissance Thomists: Thomas de Vio, better known as Cajetan, Sylvester of Ferrara, John Versor and John of Saint Thomas. The author first explains the general core of the semantic doctrine of analogy and outlines the basic terminology. Then he exposes the way Cajetan and other Thomists knit Aquinas’ dispersed remarks on analogy into a systematic doctrinal whole.

Jan Duns Scotus