Prokop Sousedík
De Moorii methodo philosophica
sive quae sunt conditiones, quibus propositio philosophica
satisfacere debeat
G. E. Moorii philosophandi methodus duas prae se fert notas, ex quibus “conversio ad linguam naturalem” (quam vocant), originem duxit. Prima est, quod Moore difficilium propositionum philosophicarum significationem potius, quam veritatem indagabat, altera in Moorii in philosophiae sensus communis studio consistit. In praesenti dissertatione ambae notae uberius declarantur et, quomodo postea a N. Malcolmio et receptae et excultae fuerint, declaratur. Auctor conversionem ad linguam naturalem philosophiae Aristotelicae indoli non contradicere, sed conspirare potius autumnat.
On Moore’s Method of Philosophy
(seeking the conditions that a philosophical thesis ought to satisfy)
In this article I consider two aspects of Moore’s philosophical method which lead to the turn to natural language. These are his interest in the meaning (not the truth) of problematic philosophical theses and his interest in common sense philosophy. However, Moore himself did not completely achieve the linguistic turn: he merely prepared the way for it. In the conclusions I show that Moore’s themes were developed by N. Malcom. The deeper sense of my paper is to show that the linguistic turn as begun by Moore does not conflict with the spirit of the Aristotelian tradition.